Avoid being junk on MSN Hotmail (JMRPP)

Introduction to JMRPP (Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program)
Creating a spam free mailing can be a very difficult tasks as no matter how many times you apply for white-listing, testing, there is never a guarantee a newsletter can reach inboxes for all domains such as Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail etc. Luckily may ISPs are willing to work with senders to improve deliverability.
MSN/ Hotmail junk problem
On one occasion, I was having a major problem with one of our biggest domains ‘Hotmail’ and ‘MSN’ where during tests my mailings were arriving in inboxes but then during the real send, mailings were beginning going into junk. Despite maintaining a low file weight, spam free content and processing all unsubscribe requests, I was very baffled. I decided to contact Hotmail and where they kindly gave me guidance on how I can improve mailing delivery. Not all mailings act upon the content of newsletters; there are other factors such as activity on your mailings. If a certain quantity of users is clicking the dreaded ‘report to junk’ button then the rest of the mailings will arrive in junk mail folders regardless of any other issues.
Solution for a cleaner list
Despite all my newsletters having clear instructions on how to be removed and a clear unsubscribe link and the top of my newsletters; I wanted to lower the percentage of users who click my mailings as junk. I was introduced to a program called ‘Junk Mail Reporting Partner Program’ on MSN/Hotmail (JMRPP). This was the first time I had heard of this type of scheme and I was a bit surprised how difficult it is to find information about such a valuable program. JMRPP allows senders to receive a list of MSN and Hotmail users who have clicked you as junk. From this list you are required to unsubscribe them from mailings. At first, I had lost a small chunk of my senders but I started to notice my mailings arriving in inboxes and the number of people clicking my mailings as junk drop to just 1 or 2. I recommend this program to all senders with the following benefits:
- Increased open rates as more readers receive your newsletter
- Increased clicks rates as more readers receive your newsletter
- Improved delivery rates to inboxes
- More respectful image – It defiantly looks better for a user to see your newsletter in their inboxes first time round rather then fishing your mailing from the junk folder or even worse completely ignoring it
- More cost effective as you only email users who can potentially be real loyal customers
- It definitely is not worth your money and time to email users who don’t want your mailings
Signing up to MSN and Hotmail program is very simple and quick however I was surprised it was a bit difficult to gain information about such a useful process. To apply simply email hmjmrx@microsoft.com.
© 2006 Jaspaul Aggarwal, is a consultant, web developer and e-marketing co-ordinator. For more articles on email-marketing, improving newsletter deliverability and a online spam analysis check, visit https://spamanalyse.com.
We are currently having the same problem as you explained. No matter what I call our newsletter, it goes straight into the Hotmail junk box. This is causing major problems because we have thousands of customers and around 14% are opening the newsletter.
Wel i hope this works i have so much problems with sending mail from servers to hotmail !!
Hi Mate,
Let me know how this goes. I have implemented this and it is a excellent way to clean your list and make it more hygenic. It takes a while to setup and to notice any changes, but is something you can not afford to avoid!
we have exactly the same problem. when we reply to customers half of them never seem to open our mails (i guess they’re ending up in junk). Always with Hotmail. everything else seems fine
Hi, i am already member of JMRP.. what is the process of getting list of people who click email as junk or spam. and how we can know that the given list is accurate?
Thank you,,,,
Did you manage to get the program to work? How was it in the end?
the email hmjmrx@microsoft.com doesnt exist, im having this problem only to send emails to hotmail
Hi Jose,
Thank you for writing in. It seems the process has changed and instead of emailing you, you must submit your application by:
Will update the article soon 🙂
I am enrolled in SNDS program alive, but seemed always to IPEN is red under the filter, it is not something that makes my mail does not arrive, but would like to avoid it.
Do you know how to find good advice on this?
Sends about 30,000 to 40,000 emails per. days of an IP.
Submissions to Windows Live Hotmail
Submit a request to have your domain added to the SIDF cache
you can use for hotmail
The e-mail address till Microsoft do not work any more
hotmail now works well
I think it makes sense in hotmail